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Bleeding Gums Treatment in St. Louis, MO

The St. Louis Go-To Team of Dental Experts

West County Dental provides bleeding gums treatment in St. Louis, MO. If your gums bleed when you brush your teeth, it’s not something to ignore. While it’s not uncommon for gums to occasionally bleed, it can sometimes indicate a more serious issue. You may just be brushing your teeth too hard or flossing incorrectly, and we have suggestions that will help you determine if this is the case. These include brushing more gently and with a softer brush, as well as trying a new flossing technique. If brushing too firmly or flossing incorrectly proves to not be the cause of the problem, something more serious could be occurring, and our expert team can help you determine what that is.

What Causes Your Gums to Bleed?

While gum disease is the leading cause of bleeding gums, there is no singular cause. Gum disease first begins as gingivitis, which causes them to be red, irritated, and swollen. Bleeding gums can also be a symptom of an illness, such as diabetes, leukemia, thrombocytopenia, hemophilia, and more. Habits such as smoking and too much stress can also be a cause behind bleeding gums.

What Is Gum Disease?

Gum disease, also referred to as periodontitis or periodontal disease, is a gum infection that starts with oral bacteria growth. If left untreated, gum disease can result in tooth loss. To avoid this, early treatment is critical. The most common cause of gum disease includes the extensive buildup of plaque – a sticky film of bacteria that can form on the surface of your teeth.

The Two Stages of Gum Disease: Gingivitis & Periodontitis

There two distinct stages of gum disease – gingivitis and periodontitis. If plaque persists and continues to collect on the surface of your teeth, it can create various toxins, which can damage the gums and the underlying bone structure. Signs of gingivitis can include bleeding, swollen, and inflamed gums. Gum disease can still be easily managed and even reversed by regular brushing, flossing, and dental visits at the gingivitis stage. If left untreated, gingivitis can advance to periodontitis. If left untreated, gingivitis can turn into periodontitis, which can cause severe and sometimes irreversible damage to the gums and the bones that support your teeth. Periodontitis can result in infection, loose teeth, and tooth loss.

Gum Disease Treatment at West County Dental

The objective of gum disease treatment is to reattach healthy gums to healthy teeth. This can reduce swelling and inflammation, decrease pockets’ depth, and diminish a patient’s risk of infection. Ideally, gum disease treatment will stop the progression of the disease. Treatment types include:

  • Non-Surgical Treatment – Scaling and root planing can remove plaque and dental calculus.
  • Surgical Treatment – Flap surgery, otherwise known as pocket reduction surgery, will remove the underlying tartar deposits by lifting your gums.
  • Bone & Tissue Grafts – This procedure can regenerate gum tissue and bones lost due to periodontal disease. Bone grafting utilizes natural or synthetic bone to promote growth.


What Happens If You Don’t Get Treatment for Bleeding Gums?

If the cause of your bleeding gums is periodontitis, then it could be connected to heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and premature birth. If you don’t treat periodontal disease, you will slowly lose all your teeth, and your overall health will be negatively impacted. If you notice your gums are bleeding consistently, we suggest getting in touch with our dental team at your earliest convenience.

Contact Us Today If You Have Bleeding Gums

If you have bleeding gums for more than a couple of weeks, get in touch with the expert dental team at West County Dental in St. Louis, MO. We provide personalized dental care using state-of-the-art procedures. Our comprehensive dental treatments adhere to a high standard of excellence. Contact us today to reserve a visit with the professionals at West County Dental. Our team of highly-trained dental professionals will provide you with the care you need for a healthy smile.

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