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Tips for Caring for Your Teeth In Your Senior Years

Old Women Brushing Teeth

dentures St. Louis

As you age, your risk increases for developing dental problems, such as gum disease, tooth decay, and tooth loss. You can minimize this risk by caring for your teeth at home by brushing and flossing regularly, and visiting a dentist near you in St. Louis for professional cleanings and dental care checkups. To avoid costly cosmetic dentistry procedures in the future, follow these tips for caring for your teeth in your senior years.

Keep an Eye Out for Oral Health Issues
Seniors are more vulnerable to certain oral health issues, such as dental cavities, tooth decay, periodontal disease, and dry mouth. These problems can develop or become exacerbated by health problems and lifestyle choices. Certain medications can cause dry mouth, increasing your risk of tooth decay, periodontal disease, and tooth loss. A poor diet, poor dental care, and smoking can also contribute to these risks. If you notice symptoms of any oral health issues, visit Dr. Spalitto and his team as soon as possible. Keeping up with your dental health also improves your quality of life! Being able to keep healthy teeth for longer gives you the ability to keep more teeth and eat what you enjoy!

Visit the Dentist Regularly
Regular visits to the dentist provide you with an opportunity for a professional oral health screening. Your dentist will look for signs of periodontal disease, cavities, and oral cancer. If these issues are caught early enough, you may be able to keep your natural teeth. Without proper dental care from a dentist, however, and you may need to undergo a root canal procedure or tooth extraction.

Seek Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures When Necessary
If your tooth becomes severely damaged due to injury, cavities, tooth decay, or periodontal disease, your dentist may have to perform a tooth extraction. You shouldn’t wait too long before turning to cosmetic dentistry procedures to replace a missing tooth. The longer you have a gap in your teeth, the more your remaining teeth will begin to shift out of alignment to fill the gap. A cosmetic dentist can replace your missing tooth with a dental implant or dentures. A dentist who practices sedation dentistry can even administer medication that will help you relax during the dental surgery.

Dr. Spalitto is the dentist on staff for a local nursing and rehabilitation care center, and is very in tune with caring for seniors and their dental health!